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Determining Liability When a Third Party Causes a Car Accident

When it comes to car crashes, a common assumption is that one or more of the motorists involved is responsible. However, this is not always the case. Sometimes a third party that is not directly involved in the accident may be at fault. Cases, where third parties are at fault are naturally more complex and […]

Who Pays for College After a Divorce?

Bringing up a child involves various expenses, both expected and unforeseen. The expenses related to raising a child can be a financial drain on families of all types and income levels. However, many single parents experience a disproportionate burden if the other parent is not in the picture or doesn’t contribute monetarily. In resolving child […]

What Are My Rights as a Passenger in an Auto Accident?

If you have been injured in a vehicle accident as a passenger, you have as much right as the motorist to recover compensatory damages for your medical expenses, lost income, and other accident-related costs. According to Alabama law, you can pursue an injury claim, but you must meet certain legal criteria before you can collect […]

Can Auto Repair Shops Be Liable for a Car Accident?

To maintain vehicles and to ensure safe driving, most people rely on auto repair shops for their car upkeep. If your car has been carelessly repaired and maintained, the garage may be held responsible for any accident and injury that may occur as a result of their poor servicing work. Establishing liability in such cases […]

How Does Divorce Affect Children?

Divorce can represent a challenging time for a family. The parents realize new ways of relating to each other as well as new ways to parent their children. There are varied effects of divorce on children. Some children may take the change in the family dynamics in stride and react in an understanding manner. Yet […]

Who is Liable for a Ridesharing Accident?

In modern-day living, ridesharing may be one of the greatest conveniences. Rather than search for taxi numbers and try to determine if they are available and hoping that your fare is not too high, you can simply get an instant ride price and pick up time on your phone. However, new technology presents new questions […]

Delayed Injuries from a Car Accident

Serious injuries and emotional distress can result from automobile accidents, even if the damage to the vehicle is not significant. Every individual responds to a vehicle accident in a different manner. Some may experience pain immediately after the crash, while others may not experience any symptoms until weeks or even months later. At times, the […]

What Percentage of Personal Injury Cases go to Trial?

The details of a specific case determine whether or not the case goes to trial or settles before court proceedings initiate. Most cases, up to 95 percent, don’t go to trial. A majority of personal injury cases are settled during one of the pre-trial stages. Both avenues have associated advantages and weaknesses. At times, you […]