Dothan Auto Accident Firm - Smith McGhee

Types of Collisions

Innocent victims often suffer the consequences when another driver is negligent or careless in their actions on the road. If you or someone you love has been involved in a collision caused by another driver, there’s a good chance you have experienced significant damages. At Smith & McGhee, PC, our skilled personal injury attorneys are committed to helping the victims of these tragic accidents throughout Alabama.

According to the Alabama Department of Transportation, there were more than 147,00 vehicle crashes in the state in 2015, a more than 10% increase over the prior year. Those accidents led to over 44,000 injuries and 849 deaths. Alabama has seen increases in the number of registered vehicles, the number of licensed drivers, and the total number of vehicle miles traveled, all of which increase the chances of accidents on the road.

The leading cause of fatal crashes in Alabama is excessive speed, followed by driving under the influence. Other causes of severe accidents include failing to yield the right of way, fatigued driving, and distracted driving. These can all cause a variety of different accidents that result in potentially life-changing injuries. The most common types of collisions are:

Rear-end Collision

You may be involved in a rear-end collision if another vehicle crashes into the back of your own. Some common causes of rear-endings are following too close and sudden braking by the car in front as well as distracted driving. The driver of the car in the rear is nearly always at fault in these accidents except when the vehicle in front reverses into another car. A common injury resulting from rear-end collisions is whiplash, which can occur even in moderate speed crashes.

Head-on Collision

A head-on collision is a dangerous crash that occurs when the front ends of two vehicles meet. This often happens when one vehicle leaves their lane of traffic at full speed and crashes into another car, sometimes with fatal results. Because it is an extreme type of accident, the cause is usually negligence in the form of distracted driving, drowsy driving, aggressive driving, or driving under the influence.

Side Impact or T-bone Accident

Side impact, or T-bone, accidents are the result of one vehicle striking another on its side. These can also include broadside accidents, where vehicles “swipe” along their respective sides, either traveling in the same or opposite directions. Side impact accidents most often occur in intersections and are the result of a car failing to yield the right of way or ignoring traffic signals. These accidents can be potentially serious depending on the speed of vehicles at the time of the crash.

Rollover Accidents

A rollover accident occurs when a vehicle flips over onto its roof or on its side. Some high profile vehicles, such as trucks and SUVs, are more susceptible to rollovers and these can happen while swerving or attempting to turn at a high rate of speed.

Single Car Accidents

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that over 16% of all motor vehicle accidents involve just one car. A driver may run off the road when they fall asleep at the wheel, swerve to avoid an animal, or attempt to avoid another driver on the road. If a mechanical failure or defect in the road caused you to run off the road and crash, you might still have a valid personal injury case.

Multi-vehicle Pile-ups

Accidents that involved multiple vehicles often occur on the highway and can have catastrophic results. Not only does a pile of crumpled vehicles increase the risk of injury and death, but it also complicates the issue of fault. Determining the cause of these accidents can be a challenge, and there may more than one negligent party.

Schedule a Smith Law Firmwith an Alabama Accident Lawyer

If you’ve been the victim of one of these collisions due to no fault of your own, contacting an Alabama car accident attorney who has experience with these cases is an important first step in protecting your legal rights. Smith & McGhee, PC, represents car crash victims and their families throughout the Ozark, Enterprise, and Dothan area. You should not have to carry the financial burden of your losses, and our experienced personal injury attorneys will work to get you the full and fair compensation you deserve. Contact us now at 334-702-1744 or reach us online to schedule a consultation.