Smith Law Firm

What knives are legal in Alabama?

There is often a fair amount of confusion when it comes to Alabama knife laws, with people making incorrect assumptions both about what is legal and what is illegal. It’s important to note that the laws do differ from one state to the next. Below are a few types of knives that are legal to use in Alabama:

Legal Knives in Alabama

Not only is it good to know how these laws work if you’re carrying a knife as a work tool or for your own protection, but it’s also wise to know what you can carry—and how to carry it—when hunting. If you’re facing charges for the way you carried a knife, be sure you know your legal options.

If you or a loved one has been arrested and is facing jail time, contact the experienced Alabama criminal defense attorneys at Smith & Mcghee. We can be reached at (334) 702-1744 or by using our website contact form.

Source: KnifeUp, “Alabama Knife Laws,” accessed May 05, 2016

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